I have currently deployed a starrocks cluster with 1 FE and 6 BE nodes in a share nothing topology in k8s.
I am using starrocks/fe-ubuntu, starrocks/be-ubuntu and tag 3.3-latest
When following the guide to load data via insert, I get an error
] failed to find any backend with qualified disk usage from 5 candidate backends, needAvailable=true,
I can create the table and insert data
- I notice the be nodes are healthy, but reporting NO STORAGE
mysql> show backends;
| BackendId | IP | HeartbeatPort | BePort | HttpPort | BrpcPort | LastStartTime | LastHeartbeat | Alive | SystemDecommissioned | ClusterDecommissioned | TabletNum | DataUsedCapacity | AvailCapacity | TotalCapacity | UsedPct | MaxDiskUsedPct | ErrMsg | Version | Status | DataTotalCapacity | DataUsedPct | CpuCores | NumRunningQueries | MemUsedPct | CpuUsedPct | DataCacheMetrics | Location |
| 10001 | test-be-0.test-be.svc.cluster.local | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | 2024-09-16 20:28:12 | 2024-09-16 20:32:47 | true | false | false | 0 | 0.000 B | 1.000 B | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 0.00 % | | 3.3.3-312ed45 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"N/A"} | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 1 | 0 | 0.00 % | 0.0 % | N/A | |
| 10002 | test-be-1.test-be.svc.cluster.local | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | 2024-09-16 20:28:37 | 2024-09-16 20:32:47 | true | false | false | 0 | 0.000 B | 1.000 B | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 0.00 % | | 3.3.3-312ed45 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"N/A"} | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 1 | 0 | 0.00 % | 0.0 % | N/A | |
| 10003 | test-be-2.test-be.svc.cluster.local | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | 2024-09-16 20:28:47 | 2024-09-16 20:32:47 | true | false | false | 0 | 0.000 B | 1.000 B | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 0.00 % | | 3.3.3-312ed45 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"N/A"} | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 1 | 0 | 0.00 % | 0.0 % | N/A | |
| 10042 | test-be-4.test-be.svc.cluster.local | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | 2024-09-16 20:29:52 | 2024-09-16 20:32:47 | true | false | false | 0 | 0.000 B | 1.000 B | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 0.00 % | | 3.3.3-312ed45 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"N/A"} | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 1 | 0 | 0.00 % | 0.0 % | N/A | |
| 10047 | test-be-5.test-be.svc.cluster.local | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | 2024-09-16 20:30:07 | 2024-09-16 20:32:47 | true | false | false | 0 | 0.000 B | 1.000 B | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 0.00 % | | 3.3.3-312ed45 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"N/A"} | 0.000 B | 0.00 % | 1 | 0 | 0.00 % | 0.0 % | N/A | |
- The storage_root_path is properly set in the
location and being set properly when running a curl on the variables
$ curl http://test-be-0.test-be.svc.cluster.local:8040/varz | grep storage_root_path
- The storage/disk is mounted correctly and there is a good amount of space
# df -h | grep storage; exit
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdd 9800G 6.3M 9800G 1% /opt/starrocks/be/storage
Any thoughts?