Move MySql server in FE Leader Node to remote storage?

Because of imcompability in installing MySQL on Specific Linux version(Microsoft Mariner OS), we’re thinking of moving mysql in FE Leader Node to a remote MySQL, as mysql in this case is used as metadata storage for cluster status.
We think this solution may help out the single point of failure situation where FE leader node fails.
If anyone like you having ideas or experience of moving out MySQL metadata storage in FE note to a remote place, pls help us share your experience or configuration here, as we haven’t succeed so far.

What we did
We’ve added extra lines to fe.conf file, suggested by AI, and stopped & restarted FE and BE nodes, but looks like Starrocks is NOT writing anything to this remote mysql, which means we’ve succeeded.
Note, we can confirm this remote mysql is accessible through mysql client with user/passord. This is not a network or authentication issue.

Detailed Configuration we tried

CREATE DATABASE starrocks_metadata;
CREATE USER ‘starrocks_user’@‘%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘your_secure_password’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON starrocks_metadata.* TO ‘starrocks_user’@‘%’;

fe.conf file

mysql_host=‘mysql host name’
mysql_username=‘mysql username’
mysql_password=‘mysql password’

Note: the above lines are suggested by AI, as the official StarRocks deployment document of FE only supports very few mysql related config, as the link below.

It’s on the roadmap. But not supported yet.

Thanks Allen for your reply. Will this feature be supported soon? Thanks.

It will be implemented in the next year.