Getting 'The database returned no natively generated values' error when inserting a record into StarRocks DB with Java Spring Boot

I’m using Java Spring Boot to insert a record into a StarRocks database. The record is inserted successfully, but I get the following error:
“The database returned no natively generated values”
My id field is set as AUTO_INCREMENT, but after the insert, the id is not returned, and the exception is thrown.
I am using JPARepository for the operation, but the lack of the id return causes the operation to fail.

What I’ve Tried:
Verified AUTO_INCREMENT in the database.
Used @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY), but the issue persists.

I would appreciate any suggestions or solutions from anyone who has encountered this issue. Can you help me out?

@developer hello, I don’t have much knowledge about java spring boot. Could you reduce this problem scope a little bit? Can you reduce your problem into starrocks one?

Like how do you create starroocks table? what’ sql issues to starrocks, expected result and actual result?