[Guide] Developing Custom Connectors for StarRocks

Building connectors for StarRocks involves creating software components that allow other applications to interact with the StarRocks database. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, here’s a general guide to get you started:

1. Choose a Development Approach:

There are two main ways to build StarRocks connectors:

  • From Scratch: This offers maximum control but requires a deep understanding of StarRocks’ communication protocols and APIs. You’ll need to handle data serialization, query execution, and error handling.
  • Leveraging Existing Connectors: StarRocks already has a Kafka connector available GitHub - StarRocks/starrocks-connector-for-kafka. You can use this as a reference or even extend its functionalities for your specific needs.

2. Understand StarRocks Communication:

StarRocks uses a Frontend (FE) and Backend (BE) architecture. The FE acts as the entry point for client applications and communicates with the BE nodes that store the data. Familiarize yourself with StarRocks’ communication protocols like SQL over MySQL wire protocol or Restful APIs to establish communication between your connector and StarRocks.

3. Design the Connector Functionalities:

Define the functionalities your connector will offer. Common functionalities include:

  • Establishing connections: Define how applications will connect to StarRocks using your connector.
  • Data manipulation: Allow reading, writing, and updating data in StarRocks tables.
  • Querying data: Enable applications to send SQL queries to StarRocks and retrieve results.
  • Authentication: Implement mechanisms for secure connections using usernames and passwords.

Here is a suggested requirements list:

  • Be able to query

  • Be able to create table (CREATE TABLE | StarRocks)

    • Support primary key table with defaults

    • Support duplicate key table with defaults

    • Support aggregate key table with defaults

  • Be able to insert data

    • Support StarRocks stream load

    • Support SQL insert values

  • No requirements to be performant (eg your connector doesn’t need to be faster than existing SR tools, just integrate / pass through to existing StarRocks API and tools)

4. Development Tools and Libraries:

The choice of tools depends on your chosen approach. If building from scratch, consider using libraries like:

  • HTTP/HTTPS: For database CRUD connectivity.
  • JDBC/ODBC Drivers: For database CRUD connectivity
  • HTTP/HTTPS: For database bulk data loading connectivity

In addition, here are some issues you might hit with building your connector with StarRocks

Sling Data ran into these issues

5. Testing and Deployment:

  • Implement unit tests to ensure your connector functions as expected.
  • Develop integration tests to verify how your connector interacts with StarRocks.
  • Package your connector for easy deployment and distribution

Additional Resources:

Remember, building connectors can be complex. If you’re new to this area, consider starting by studying the existing Kafka connector as a reference.