Sling Data | StarRocks

I’m happy to announce that StarRocks is now supported on Sling Data (StarRocks - Sling Docs) which can be run standalone or can be used inside of Dagster (Stop Reinventing Orchestration: Embedded ELT in the Orchestrator | Dagster Blog). With a really easy way to move data from one system to another. Should be able to run commands like

sling run --src-conn AWS --src-stream s3://file.csv --tgt-conn STARROCKS --tgt-object _table

sling run --src-conn CLICKHOUSE --src-stream _table --tgt-conn STARROCKS --tgt-object _table

cat my_file.csv | sling run --tgt-conn MYDB --tgt-object _table

More examples at Add more usage examples to StarRocks · Issue #140 · slingdata-io/sling-cli · GitHub. Try it out and let me know if it works for you.

More examples of Sling usage. Add more usage examples to StarRocks · Issue #140 · slingdata-io/sling-cli · GitHub

If you want to know how much work it took to build this integration. Support sling which is the embedded etl tool for Dagster · Issue #40481 · StarRocks/starrocks · GitHub