Connection Timeout on Large Queries

I’m running into connection timeout issues with StarRocks whenever a single SQL query runs for more than 60 seconds. I get the following errors:

  • MySQL client: “Lost connection to MySQL server during query”
  • JDBC connection: “Communications link failure”

I’ve tried increasing the timeout settings from the default 60 seconds to 600, but it hasn’t solved the problem. I’m trying to run TPC-DS Query 72 (TPC-DS test SQL | StarRocks) on an sf1000 dataset (1TB), it runs for 60 sec and at exactly 60 sec we see the error Lost connection to MySQL server during query .

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Are there any specific settings or configurations I can try to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

That may be the net_read_timeout and net_write_timeout controls.

mysql> show variables like '%timeout%';
| Variable_name                      | Value |
| interactive_timeout                | 3600  |
| net_read_timeout                   | 60    |
| net_write_timeout                  | 60    |
| new_planner_optimize_timeout       | 3000  |
| query_delivery_timeout             | 300   |
| query_queue_pending_timeout_second | 300   |
| query_timeout                      | 300   |
| tx_visible_wait_timeout            | 10    |
| wait_timeout                       | 28800 |
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)