StarRocks creates massive amount of small files on S3 (Ceph)

I have a table with a primary key on shared storage and use Vector to read messages from Kafka and push data via HTTP Stream Load API.
However, noticed that that created a huge amount of small files in S3. Also, capacity usage is like 20x of the size of data (as shown by “SHOW DATA”)

Data rate is ~150 000 messages per sec, though messages are quite small (few kb)

Buckets are automatic, “show partitions” reports 12 buckets per partition.
Is that expected? within 14 days we have around 50M files and 90TB of data in S3, though table was way below 10TB

My table:

CREATE TABLE `nginx_core_log` (
  `request_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
  `timestamp` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT "",
  `msec` double NULL COMMENT "",
  `host` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "",
  `http_referer` varchar(65533) NULL COMMENT "",
  `http_user_agent` varchar(65533) NULL COMMENT "",
  `nginx_host` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "",
  `request_length` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT "",
  `request_time` double NULL COMMENT "",
  `scheme` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "",
  `service` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "",
  `status` int(11) NULL COMMENT "",
  `raw` json NULL COMMENT ""
PRIMARY KEY(`request_id`, `timestamp`)
PARTITION BY date_trunc('day', timestamp)
ORDER BY(`timestamp`)
"compression" = "ZSTD",
"datacache.enable" = "true",
"enable_async_write_back" = "false",
"enable_persistent_index" = "true",
"partition_live_number" = "14",
"persistent_index_type" = "LOCAL",
"replication_num" = "1",
"storage_volume" = "builtin_storage_volume"

Vector sink

    type: "http"
    inputs: ["nginx_core_log"]
    uri: "sr-backend:8040/api/logging/nginx_core_log/_stream_load"
    method: put
      strategy: basic
      user: root
      password: "<password>"
        format: json
        jsonpaths: '["$$.request_id", "$$.timestamp", "$$.msec", "$$.host", "$$.http_referer", "$$.http_user_agent", "$$.nginx_host", "$$.request_length", "$$.request_time", "$$.scheme", "$$.service", "$$.status", "$$"]'
        columns: "request_id, timestamp, msec, host, http_referer, http_user_agent, nginx_host, request_length, request_time, scheme, service, status, raw"
        ignore_json_size: "true"
        expect: "100-continue"
      max_events: 1000
      timeout_secs: 15
      type: disk
      max_size: 268435488
      method: "newline_delimited"
      codec: "json"
mysql> show partitions from logging.nginx_core_log \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
    PartitionId: 176059
  PartitionName: p20241101
 CompactVersion: 5375
 VisibleVersion: 5375
    NextVersion: 5376
          State: NORMAL
   PartitionKey: timestamp
          Range: [types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-01 00:00:00]; ..types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-02 00:00:00]; )
DistributionKey: request_id
        Buckets: 12
       DataSize: 2TB
       RowCount: 126538858
EnableDataCache: true
     AsyncWrite: false
          AvgCS: 7.00
          P50CS: 7.00
          MaxCS: 7.00
    DataVersion: 4706
   VersionEpoch: 319994016382844928
 VersionTxnType: TXN_NORMAL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
    PartitionId: 199206
  PartitionName: p20241102
 CompactVersion: 2244
 VisibleVersion: 2244
    NextVersion: 2245
          State: NORMAL
   PartitionKey: timestamp
          Range: [types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-02 00:00:00]; ..types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-03 00:00:00]; )
DistributionKey: request_id
        Buckets: 12
       DataSize: 231.2GB
       RowCount: 126538858
EnableDataCache: true
     AsyncWrite: false
          AvgCS: 7.17
          P50CS: 8.00
          MaxCS: 9.00
    DataVersion: 1882
   VersionEpoch: 320237876795146240
 VersionTxnType: TXN_NORMAL
*************************** 3. row ***************************
    PartitionId: 234470
  PartitionName: p20241104
 CompactVersion: 61
 VisibleVersion: 61
    NextVersion: 62
          State: NORMAL
   PartitionKey: timestamp
          Range: [types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-04 00:00:00]; ..types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-05 00:00:00]; )
DistributionKey: request_id
        Buckets: 12
       DataSize: 64GB
       RowCount: 126538858
EnableDataCache: true
     AsyncWrite: false
          AvgCS: 4.00
          P50CS: 4.00
          MaxCS: 4.00
    DataVersion: 56
   VersionEpoch: 320616720750346240
 VersionTxnType: TXN_NORMAL
*************************** 4. row ***************************
    PartitionId: 267434
  PartitionName: p20241106
 CompactVersion: 122463
 VisibleVersion: 129647
    NextVersion: 129773
          State: NORMAL
   PartitionKey: timestamp
          Range: [types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-06 00:00:00]; ..types: [DATETIME]; keys: [2024-11-07 00:00:00]; )
DistributionKey: request_id
        Buckets: 12
       DataSize: 55.7GB
       RowCount: 126538858
EnableDataCache: true
     AsyncWrite: false
          AvgCS: 68006.67
          P50CS: 68007.00
          MaxCS: 68029.00
    DataVersion: 129622
   VersionEpoch: 320996485351079936
 VersionTxnType: TXN_NORMAL
4 rows in set (0.04 sec)