How to get non-nested elements along with an array? Routine Load with Kafka

Hello everyone!

StarRocks version 3.2.3

I’m trying to get non-nested JSON elements along with an array, but on the current solution i’m getting only non-nested elements OR an array elements.

How can i get them both?

My json:

  "code": "1",
  "main_code": "12",
  "merchant": {
    "uid": "123",
    "name": "test"
  "datecreate": 1670967097491,
  "phone_number": [
      "id": "1",
      "numbers": {
        "type": "iPhone",
        "number": "0000-1111-2222-3333"
      "id": "1",
      "numbers": {
        "type": "Android",
        "number": "1111-2222-3333-4444"

Routine Load code:

CREATE ROUTINE LOAD test.phones_table_routine ON phones_table
COLUMNS(id, main_code, numbers_type, code, merchant_uid, merchant_name, datecreate, numbers_number)
    "format" = "json",
    "jsonpaths" = "[\"$.id\",\"$.main_code\",\"$.numbers.type\",\"$.code\",\"$.merchant.uid\",\"$\",\"$.datecreate\",\"$.numbers.number\"]",
    "json_root" = "$.phone_number",
    "strip_outer_array" = "true",

    "kafka_broker_list" = "broker",
    "kafka_topic" = "topic",
	"property.sasl.mechanism" = "SASL_MECHANISM", 
	"property.sasl.username" = "USER", 
	"property.sasl.password" = "PASSWORD",
	"" = "GROUP_ID_1"

With this code, currently, i’m getting only an array elements, but i want to add json-keys above than an array too.

How can i do this with StarRocks?

Thanks in advance.

Could you give us an example of what you want to return? Or what does the data look like after being ingested into starrocks?

Table result like below screenshot

From this format

  "code": "1",
  "main_code": "12",
  "merchant": {
    "uid": "123",
    "name": "test"
  "datecreate": 1670967097491,
  "phone_number": [
      "id": "1",
      "numbers": {
        "type": "iPhone",
        "number": "0000-1111-2222-3333"
      "id": "1",
      "numbers": {
        "type": "Android",
        "number": "1111-2222-3333-4444"