Column with struct dataType is not supported in where clause for delta tables

Hello, I am trying to filter the rows based on a column which is of struct dataType. It returns me an error saying `The data type of column is struct. This is not supported yet.
Here is the query and table schema I used.
DESC test_table;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | VARCHAR(1073741824) | Yes | false | NULL | |
| meta | struct<id varchar(1073741824), extension array<varchar(1073741824)>, versionId varchar(1073741824), lastUpdated datetime, source varchar(1073741824), profile array<varchar(1073741824)>, security array<struct<id varchar(1073741824), extension array<varchar(1073741824)>, system varchar(1073741824), version varchar(1073741824), code varchar(1073741824), display varchar(1073741824), userSelected boolean>>, tag array<struct<id varchar(1073741824), extension array<varchar(1073741824)>, system varchar(1073741824), version varchar(1073741824), code varchar(1073741824), display varchar(1073741824), userSelected boolean>>> | Yes | false | NULL | |

select * from test_table;
| id | meta |
| 7d242383-35cc-5780-b311-d3529afd97bf | {“id”:null,“extension”:null,“versionId”:null,“lastUpdated”:“2022-03-22 12:01:21.728000”,“source”:null,“profile”:null,“security”:null,“tag”:null} |
| 7d4aaff0-ff70-5d80-977d-c4069a5a0077 | {“id”:null,“extension”:null,“versionId”:null,“lastUpdated”:“2022-03-22 12:01:21.728000”,“source”:null,“profile”:null,“security”:null,“tag”:null} |
| 7d981e7c-e435-5ae4-a003-27490495b9d8 | {“id”:null,“extension”:null,“versionId”:null,“lastUpdated”:“2022-03-22 12:01:21.728000”,“source”:null,“profile”:null,“security”:null,“tag”:null} |
| 82087d2d-a144-51ea-bbda-3d23582bb7f9 | {“id”:null,“extension”:null,“versionId”:null,“lastUpdated”:“2022-03-22 12:01:21.728000”,“source”:null,“profile”:null,“security”:null,“tag”:null} |
| 83f71062-baa6-589b-9b35-37927dcbf511 | {“id”:null,“extension”:null,“versionId”:null,“lastUpdated”:“2022-03-22 12:01:21.728000”,“source”:null,“profile”:null,“security”:null,“tag”:null} |

select * from test_table where meta is not null;
And Below are the errors I get.
“The data type of column is struct. This is not supported yet.”

Can you use json? I also mentioned that you can also try to convert delta to iceberg or hudi.